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Raccoon Removal of Virginia

Raccoons are found throughout the United States and is a common nuisance pest animal of Northern Virginia areas of Fairfax and surrounding areas. Raccoons are very distinctive mammals with their black mask and furry ringed tail. Adult raccoons generally weigh between 10 to 35 lbs. and measure 24" to 40" in length. They are omnivorous, and excellent climbers with their dexterous fingers. Raccoons are nocturnal and sleep during the day. If you see a raccoon, DO NOT approach it, call a Wildlife removal professional at once.

Raccoons can quickly become a nuisance. "Coons" will raid unsecured trash cans, steal pet food left outside or may come inside an open cat or dog door to obtain pet food, damage fruit and vegetable gardens, and take up residence in your attic or chimney. Typically, in the spring time when babies are born, they can be very aggressive while they are "nesting" newborn raccoons. Raccoons are one of the most common animals nuisance wildlife controllers deal with due to the fact that they have adapted well to urban and suburban environments.

Raccoon Removal
Raccoon Control

Fairfax, VA Nuisance Raccoon Problems, Trapping Services

Most damage caused by raccoons occurs during the early spring when females are pregnant. Females have learned that human dwellings are a great place to raise young. Cool in the summer, warm in the winter. They will destroy fascia boards, tear off shingles, remove siding and chimney caps and take off mushroom vent caps and gain access to your home.

Once inside they will destroy insulation and wires to modify the house to their liking. Raccoon droppings pose another threat. Their droppings may contain Baylisascaris which is Raccoon Roundworm. Please do a Google search on "Raccoon Roundworm" to familiarize yourself. After raccoons have resided in the attic for any period of time insulation damage is a common site. Loose fill insulation will become matted with fecal and urine and compressed allowing heated air to escape into the attic in the winter and hot air to enter the home in the summer.

Raccoons in my yard
Raccoon Problems

If you are hearing sounds early in the morning or late at night, you could have a raccoon in your attic. This problem should be corrected by a trained professional immediately because putting off this problem could lead to costly insulation and or wiring damage.

We are Northern Virginia's premier animal waste removal and insulation professionals. Installing both TAP and Cocoon types of insulation. Ask your technician to check the insulation value of your attic. We are the top rated raccoon removal company of Northern Virginia that provides services in Fairfax, VA.
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